
TNG 每月交易額突破 6 億港元、目標兩至三年內上市

31/08/2017LET' STARTUP HK

TNG 每月交易額突破 6 億港元、目標兩至三年內上市

TNG 昨天(30/8)宣布,用戶已可於全線 7-Eleven 便利店使用 TNG 電子錢包支付及提取現金。TNG 創辦人江慶恩表示該公司正急速成長,反映香港消費者正開始接納電子支付,希望在今年內達到目標盈利,並爭取在兩至三年內上市。

昨天開始全線 7-Eleven 便利店已開始接受以 TNG 電子錢包支付,並能像使用 EPS 消費般,在購物同時提取現金。但基於法律規定,提取現金服務只限 VIP 或 Super VIP 會員才能提供,單筆最低提款額為 100 港元、最高提款額為 500 港元,但不設每日上限。

TNG 在去年底已開始跟 7-Eleven 合作,用戶可在 7-Eleven 便利店為電子錢包增值,江慶恩表示合作需要互相爭持信任,而過去半年雙方合作良好,部分7-Eleven便利店更因有大量外傭為電子錢包充值,而在周末大排長龍。

江慶恩在記者會上提到 TNG 的使用者人數不斷上升,交易額亦不斷增長,每月交易額更已突破 6 億港元。對於坊間認為香港電子支付落後,江慶恩反指其他地方的電子錢包不像 TNG 增長迅速,每月都以倍數增長,甚至引述外國投資者指 TNG 的成績「Too good to be true」,認為香港消費者正在接納電子錢包。



近期比較多人關心初創公司上市的問題,江慶恩承認該公司有計劃上市,投資者看到 TNG 的急速增長希望能盡快以上市方式獲利退場。雖然 TNG 只營運了兩年,但已經開始每月有盈利,希望能在今年內達到目標利潤,希望在兩至三年內在香港或紐約上市。

TNG 增長速度驚人,但江慶恩表示只有香港投資者才會不斷追問一家初創公司「是否已有盈利」,反而外國投資者會反問「為何急於盈利」,江慶恩認為香港和外國投資者文化有很大差異。他認為建議中的創新板「同股不同權」未必是決定上市地點的原因,反而放寬對公司經營年期、毋須已有盈利等要求,對吸引初創公司選擇香港上市較有幫助。

江慶恩感謝數碼港為該公司提供的協助,過往在跟大企業商談時往往難以爭取信任,數碼港為 TNG 排除了不少障礙。目前數碼港的穿梭巴士服務就採用 TNG 錢包作為支付方式,證明 TNG 能應用在公共交通上,未來希望在進一步提升滲透率後能拓展服務至其他公共交通工具。

Announces Strategic Exit from Stored Value Facilities ("SVF") business

We would like to announce to our users that we have decided to exit the SVF business due to our consideration for strategic corporate restructuring and realignment. The decision to exit the SVF business was made after a thorough review and deliberation of the company’s portfolio and business strategies. We are working on a non-SVF business for a total transformation of our business to carry our motto of “Make Your Life Easier”. Do take note of our future announcement. 

Customer Protection

TNG Wallet remains committed to supporting its users, merchants, and service partners  during this transition. We have made sufficient provision for financial and administrative resources to meet the float redemption and relevant administrative processes to ensure that all obligations to users, merchants and service partners are met and that users are provided with the necessary guidance and support. 

The existing independent 3rd Party, Custodian agency, (“Tricor Trust (Hong Kong) Limited”) will continue to act as Custodian throughout the redemption process. TNG will commence the exit process today (25 October, at 4:30pm) and all of the services will be terminated by 9 December 2024. From 4:30pm on 25 October 2024 to 6:00pm on 9 December 2024, all TNG users will be able to withdraw your money in TNG Wallet in various ways (see below service list for more info). 

You are encouraged to withdraw the remaining balance via local merchant payment, FPS/ Bank Transfer, P2P Transfer, and MasterCard Purchase on or before 9 December 2024 6:00pm. All relevant service charges will be waived during the period of 25 October 2024 and 9 December 2024. After the termination of TNG services on 9 December 2024, TNG Wallet App will be retired and the management fees will be applied. 

For details, please click this window to find out.